Have you looked at a calendar lately? Are you avoiding looking at the deadlines in your syllabi?
Time to catch up on your reading is nearly impossible. Papers and projects are soon coming due. Time to make up any work you've missed is coming to a close.
And then there's Thanksgiving break. Are you excited about that, or dreading it?
You need to get a handle on things. That starts with sitting down with a calendar and your syllabi to figure out exactly what you need to do and when you can do it. Don't let it overwhelm you. This is your chance to see it as a challenge.
Let's break this challenge down into smaller, manageable pieces.
A good practice is to take a large piece of paper, or the back of a poster, or anything you've got. Writing everything down, pen (pencil, so you can erase?) to paper, will help you remember it. Okay, use a spreadsheet or whatever electronic device you are used to if it really is uncomfortable to manually write things out.
Create the grid of a calendar, with plenty of room in the boxes to write stuff down for each day. Start the grid with today and extend it for every week till the end of finals when your semester ends. Those are the only weeks you are going to focus on.
Start filling in the boxes with the set dates for each of the exams, quizzes, group presentations, or assignments you have left to do in each class.
Are there other events that you have to attend to during these weeks? Work (at a job) hours, games if you're an athlete, performances if you're in the arts, family obligations? Write down all those things in the boxes as well.
On another piece of paper, write down all the assignments you have left to do in each class. Break down, in as much detail as you need, what you need to do to accomplish the tasks to the best of your ability. For example, if you have a paper to write, what research do you have left to do? Are there interviews to do? Can you outline what you're going to write? Do you need to get a first draft written?
Do this with each assignment or study time for quizzes/exams, then schedule in time for the tasks in the calendar you've created. For example, Tuesday, November 12th, write "research history paper, 2-4pm" or Wednesday, November 13th, 5-8pm, read "chapters 10 & 11 to prep for chemistry quiz."
Do you get the idea? You can decide how much detail you need. The point is to take control over the final weeks of the semester so that you can finish as strong as possible. By writing it down, and following the schedule you have prepared (referring back to it frequently!), you will better manage your stress by not giving up or giving into anxiety.
Take control. Step up to the challenge. The goal is to do your best.