Every semester provides a new beginning, a new chance for success, a new opportunity for progress toward your goals.
Starting with a positive attitude is the best way to chart a successful course. Narrow your focus onto just this semester, seeing it as a project in itself that you can attack and complete…then celebrate!
The first step in defining your “semester project” is to create your complete semester calendar. (Read the steps to creating the calendar in my “Oh no! It’s November!” blog.) By limiting your focus on just these 16 weeks or the few months in the semester, you can better create tasks and steps to complete each assignment.
Other steps you can take to increase success are these:
Establish a routine
Get enough sleep
Eat nutritiously
Move your body
Establish a daily and/or weekly routine that facilitates your getting your work done on time. In your routine, schedule enough sleep time, as well as study and “play” time. All are necessary to feed your body and soul as well as your mind.
Speaking of feeding, plan nutritious meals. It’s all connected – your body and brain – so it’s necessary to eat well to function well. Plus, during the cold and flu season, you need your immune system to stay strong.
During your “play” time, try to get physical exercise, too. Your body and mind will thank you.
Don’t forget to connect with others, too. You’re not in this alone. Classmates and study groups are useful in staying on task in your classes. Professors, TAs, and tutors of all kinds are on campus to help you. Just reach out!
Stay in touch with positive relationships in your family and friends. They are your cheerleaders and sounding boards when things get rough. And some are “playmates” when you just want to relax and have fun! Find that balance in your routine – time for work and time for play.
Have a great semester!